Bicycling Distances, Profiles and Maps
Oklahoma Texas New Mexico Colorado Arkansas
Here you will find maps, feet climbed, profiles, average grade, max grade and feet per mile.
in most cases a good indication on how hilly or how much climbing for a route
is to look at the feet per mile.
Feet per mile is an average of feet climbed over the entire route.
It's not what you climb for each mile, you're not always climbing.
The climbs on the climbing page are where the actual climb starts and ends.
The profiles can be a little deceiving, example, a 100 mile profile
is in the same picture space as a 10 mile profile.
If you would like to list a ride or race, just email, "topo(at)lasorsa(dot)net"
I will need a map with names of the roads or just names of
the roads on the route.
A map with names works the best.
All data provided by DeLorme Topo USA 5.0